What are you two doing? "We're going to race Brooke and Izaac!" Race? Oh yes, they are going to hook the rope around Eli's waist while Eli is on the snowboard and Seth is going to pull him while Brooke pulls Izaac in the sled and they are going to race. Well........ how did this pan out? Let's see... On your mark, get set, GO! Notice the snowboard... Think that maybe anyone could have thought to TURN the snowboard? Brooke doesn't care...... she's going to WIN! Aparently, neither does Seth because he just decides to keep running........ Eli of course will just crawl. Who won? Well, the PRINCESS of couse!
WATCH OUT! You never know when you will be hit with a snowball! Ready for a 4-Wheeler Ride! Being pulled by the 4-Wheeler in the Sled! Pulling Izaac in the sled is great fun! Jack-Jack is never too far behind! Izaac likes it too!
Izaac and his trusty companion, "Teddy", enjoying the snow! Seth decided that it would be easier to just SIT and RIDE the snowboard down the hill! Chaos waiting to happen! They actually made it down the hill without incident! It doesn't matter where we go, Brooke always seems to find a friend! Eli decides that snowboarding is MUCH more fun than sledding!
Nik looking cool in his van! Nik loves the shag carpet in his van! Rare captured smile from Kam on camera....... he has a great smile, but usually refuses to smile for the camera! Devon doesn't care...... HE LOVES THE CAMERA! THE KING OF CUTENESS AND ENERGY! OUR NEXT WRESTLER?
That's it Eli........ GET MAD! See his little teeth clinched together?TAKE THAT! Ohhhhhhh, nice ball, Seth! This is the "YEAH, I'M GOOD" walk! Brooke's new haircut she HAD to have. Cute as a button, but don't let the cuteness fool ya! She is her Mama's child!