Think he was a little drugged up??????? Not feeling too well... getting my morphine..... Spacey.... This is what you look like after your kid has been in 16 hours of intense pain! (Sorry Dave, had to do it...... I sure hope you never learn how to add pics to the blog! Hehe!) I WANT THIS ELI BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you smilin about, Dad? Listening to some advice... Can you believe this guy actually THINKS he knows more than me? Now listen, Dad, I"LL tell you how it is....... Can a kid talk around here or does he always have to have so many kisses?
Already into the chocolate........ good sign.... Who needs a napkin?.......... good sign...... Interested in Brooke and Seth......... good sign........ Posing for the camera..........good sign........... Wanting to go home.......... GREAT SIGN!
This is how Eli woke up... This has actually been his "awake" face since surgery. :*( The incision... Closer view... Resting peacefully after I tired him out by giving him a bath, redressing him, making him sit up and walk by himself. Yes, this wiped him right out!
Eli's FABULOUS day nurse! We wish you were here all night! Eli flushed and feeling quite crummy! Still swollen. "Tornado" helps ease the pain! Poor kid has pain from head............... to toe!
Eli before surgery with the super cool anesthesiologist! After surgery with his super cool prayer blanket. 3 hours after surger with his ULTRA COOL neurosurgeon, Dr. Sood! Look at him trying to smile, what a guy! See the little holes in his head behind his ear? This is how they halo him on the operating table. Eli dreaming away with his ULTIMATE, ULTRA, SUPER COOL morphine!
Posing after going in the hot tub! Well, if my brother does it, then I have to! Don't forget me! The KING of the CASTLE! Just what do these boys think they are doing? Goofballs!
Looking cute on an evening walk through Frankenmuth. Relaxing in the pool. At Grandpa Tiny's Farm.... I love the bunnies. Eating and drinking from a cool cup....... Brooke in in Paradise!
This kid is just so darn cute that I had to get several pictures of him in his towel posing!
We got to pick and KEEP our own golf balls! "I'm a sports guy!" Eli says. A whoopee cushion and a blue monkey, can life get any better? Mr. Handsome in his candy necklace.
Brooke peeking around the corner of the hot tub......... she had so much fun in the water!