SANTA IS THE BEST!! The kids, well 3 of the 4 anyway, were so, so excited to see SANTA! It was great just to see the looks on their faces as they walked up and started talking to him! Grandma and Grandpa bought the kids the hats that they are wearing in these pics. I thought they were too cute! I cannot wait until Christmas morning to watch the kids so excited... there is nothing better than watching them! We Believe!
Eli lost a dear friend to cancer last night at 9:02. Eli checked Payton's website everyday and although he only met her once, she sure made quite the impact on him! Payton was an 11 year old girl who lost her battle to Ewings Sarcoma last night. What a wonderful family and inspirational, courageous little girl Payton was! Please keep her family in your thoughts... It is a sad day.