Monday, June 22, 2009

Pics... Summer!!

Brooke cooling off at the Zoo!
Eli ALWAYS thinks he is cool... wait.... HE IS!

Seth doing a little showing off himself!


Typical Eli... not afraid to be a little different.

Even more pics...

Brooke on Field Day!
Chicks dig Seth!

Eli was the only boy at Schickler to achieve the Presidential Physical Fitness Award!

Eli at the Zoo!

Izaac at the Zoo!

More pics...

Seth having fun in the pool!
Brooke at the Zoo!

Cool pic, but couldn't get it to go right side up!

Sweet Izaac graduated from Kindergarten!

Izaac with the fantastic Mrs. Abeare!

What's been going on?

Brooke learns that it is not easy to be beautiful!
Mr. Happy continues to be HAPPY!
Eli hated this picure, but I thought it was cute... swollen eye from allergies and all!
Brooke does awesome at her dance recital!
Seth was awarded a 100 dollar scholarship for bowling so well!