Friday, October 23, 2009

Poor Little Izaac had surgery.

Izaac after surgery using his new form of communication for the next 3 days and the majority of his communication for the next 2 weeks. He will be the best writer in 1st grade when he can talk again!

Post surgery... concentrating!
Drugged up right before they take him into surgery.

Pre Surgery presents! He got a whale webkinz, a container with a lot of writing utensils, a clipboard, and writing paper! He loved them!

Before surgery with the ultra cool blankey Mrs. Nugent made me! I love this blanket so much that I chose to have this one in surgery instead of the blankey I have been clung to since I was a baby! WOW! Now that is amazing!

Izaac had a lump removed from his neck and two nodules removed from his vocal cords! Poor Baby!

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