Eli is doing well with his Chiari Malformation. It has been almost 4 years since his brain surgery. He is now a cover face on http://www.conquerpediatricchiari.org/ or you can also visit him and here about his story at www.caringbridge.org/visit/elichaffin Everyday I pray that he will not have surgery again for a long, long time! I am so proud of this little fella for all of his accomplishments. He has straight A's all through elementary school, has placed in state wrestling tournaments, came in 4th in the state in the 400 meter run, and is just an all around joyful soul. He is currently growing his hair out so he can get corn rows...yes, like Urijah Fabor!
Seth is getting so big and mature! I am so proud of him. He just took 1st in the State for bowling in his age group, is doing well at school. He just got his driving permit, which has given me extra gray hair! I am so proud of the way he is maturing and he is a lot of fun to be around. Seth can joke with the best adult! I am also looking up to him. What happened to my baby?
Brooke, the princess, is also doing fabulous! I am so proud of her! She tries very hard at school and has many, many friends. Brooke is our social butterfly and is happiest when her friends are all around her. She is maturing too quickly. She now wants certain clothes, nail polish on, and all that other girlie stuff! Brooke finally found her sport this year. She joined volleyball and is fabulous at it! She is definetly a joy to have around.
Izaac is such a joy! He is our family comedian! You cannot be around Izaac for 5 minutes without laughing! He brings so many smiles to my face on a daily basis! Izaac is an expert reader and writer and enjoy school more than any child I know! I am so proud of Izaac for his awesome grades at school and his awesome personality. If everyone had a mind like Izaac's, this world would be a really happy place. Izaac also found his sport. He is playing soccer like a pro!
Then there is Daddy! What can I say? Dave is the best dad and husband that anyone could possibly ask for. He is my best friend, my supporter, my cook (hehe), my lover, and my eternity!
I am just a Mama who LOVES her family! Sometimes I think my heart could just explode!
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